Sunday, December 2, 2012

Presented a round table class at Autodesk University 2012 titled "Cost effective 3D printing in BIM workflows" 

The class discuss a series of design experiment and workflows for utilizing desktop 3D printing in Autodesk Revit. The round table discussed different design and pedagogical approaches in 3D printing.

ABSTRACT: While architectural workflows often allow us tp present physical models of project proposals, the extension of this process into detail exploration or prototyping has always been considered expensive and time consuming. Autodesk Revit software enables designers to consider the benefits of creating cost-effective 3D prototypes to investigate the physicality of complex geometry as kit-of-parts, demonstrate integrative design approaches, and test proportions around the development of alternative materials or structural composites. The availability of portable desktop 3D printing has created opportunities to consider prototyping in building design to explore more innovative integrative design solutions and deliver these to clients and builders in a tactile way.